Daily mass reading ewtn
Daily mass reading ewtn

daily mass reading ewtn

daily mass reading ewtn

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daily mass reading ewtn

He grew up and made his home in the desert, and he became an archer.

Daily mass reading ewtn skin#

'Do not be afraid, for God has heard the boy's cry in his plight.ġ8 Go and pick the boy up and hold him safe, for I shall make him into a great nation.'ġ9 Then God opened Hagar's eyes and she saw a well, so she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.Ģ0 God was with the boy. She wandered off into the desert of Beersheba.ġ5 When the skin of water was finished she abandoned the child under a bush.ġ6 Then she went and sat down at a distance, about a bowshot away, thinking, 'I cannot bear to see the child die.' Sitting at a distance, she began to sob.ġ7 God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven. Do whatever Sarah says, for Isaac is the one through whom your name will be carried on.ġ3 But the slave-girl's son I shall also make into a great nation, for he too is your child.'ġ4 Early next morning, Abraham took some bread and a skin of water and, giving them to Hagar, put the child on her shoulder and sent her away. 5 Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.Ĩ The child grew and was weaned, and Abraham gave a great banquet on the day Isaac was weaned.ĩ Now Sarah watched the son that Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham, playing with her son Isaac.ġ0 'Drive away that slave-girl and her son,' she said to Abraham, 'this slave-girl's son is not to share the inheritance with my son Isaac.'ġ1 This greatly distressed Abraham, because the slave-girl's child too was his son,ġ2 but God said to him, 'Do not distress yourself on account of the boy and your slave-girl.

Daily mass reading ewtn